Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Gay Weddings in California

From 5:01pm today gay marriage was finally made legal in California. More importantly, not only will licenses be granted to those living in California but also to those from other states too.

Obviously such a 'touchy' issue leads to everyone having an opinion one way or another. I'm all for reasoned and healthy debate. However, if you are going to go on national TV and make a case against gay marriage at least have some sort of argument to justify it.

I spent the best part of the morning watching and reading arguments both for and against gay marriage. Those arguing in its favour have made eloquent and impassioned speeches as to why this was such a great day and why it was so important to them. On the other hand, the only argument those against it seemed to have presented was well if i can't marry my sister why should two guys/ two girls be allowed to marry. Well done, nice argument!

Of course I'm biased but willing, in fact eager, to discuss the issue with those against it. All i ask is that people have something to actually discuss and debate. Surely this is not too much to ask.

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